HEALTHY TIPS-how to cope with and treat TB Glands With wild plants around us Beluntas

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Beluntas generally wild plants in a dry area on the hard and rocky soil, or often as well as the planting of crops in the fence. This plant is memmerlukan enough sunlight or slight shade, as well as many plants found in the environment of the beach up to an altitude of 1000 metres above sea level. Small shrub grows erect, high reach 2 meters and can sometimes reach more than 2 meters. Branching also many, ribs are delicate and soft furry.

Plants or plant comes from the tribe of Astereacae (Compositae) in some areas in Indonesia this plant has a different name.

    Sumatra Is The Name Beluntas (Malay)

    The name Sunda Beluntas, baruntas

    The Name Java Luntas

    Madura name known by Baluntas

    On the other is the Lamutasa name of Macassar

    In east timor it is called Lenabou

It has the typical characteristics making it easy to identify. The leaves are short-stemmed, layout berseling, helaian leaves the egg round tip melancip, breech, jagged edge, berkelenjar, 2.5-9 cm long, 1.5-5 cm wide, light green color, when in the fragrant squeeze. Compound interest-shaped panicle, out of the ends of the leaves and stalks of the armpits, the branches of the inflorescence, flower-shaped lots of game show or sit down, the colour is yellowish to purple puti. Longkah fruit-shaped gangsing rather, small, hard, chocolate with white corners, lokos. The seeds are small, whitish-Brown.

The nature and Efficacy Beluntas

Belutnas ata plants this one has its own character and usefulness especially the leaves and roots. The parts of the plants are in make sure cures are as follows.

    Beluntas leaves smell typical of aromatics and tastes bitter. Helps to increase appetite, helps digestion, set sweat, fever relief and refreshment.

    The roots of Beluntas nutritious as peuruh sweat and air.

Chemical Content On Beluntas

The nature and properties of the roots and leaves of beluntas are very concerned with the content of the chemical contained in it. Although this plant is a plant that categorized plants and herbs. But nonetheless this plant also has substances kimi contained in it. The leaves contain alkaloids beluntas, flavonoida, tannins, chlorogenik acid, asir oil, sodium, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. While the root contains flavonoids and tannins.

Pemnafaatan Beluntas

The chemical ingredient found in the beluntas plant last cause, this plant can be used for health purposes. These were beluntas can also be used for,

    eliminate body odor and mouth

    lack of appetite

    digestive disorders in children

    TBC glands

    Pain in rheumatism, lumbago, nyer


    come in irregular menstruation

    vaginal discharge

Treating TB Glands

Leaf stalks of fresh beluntas in the following extract, gelatine from cattle skin, and seaweed hai-hai each 10 gr, washed and then cut into pieces as necessary. Tersebutlalu ditim ingredients until soft. Eat while warm. Do it this way every day.

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