HEALTHY TIPS-How To Overcome The Boils Didn't Want To Burst With Natural Herbal Remedies Made From Blustru

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Blustru plant is a plant that we can meet in the fields, and is one of a variety of plants that propagate. However, this plant is also sometimes grow wild in some shrubs, Riverside and seaside. This plant also contains plants that are easy care and maintenance. These annuals have the following characteristics.

  • The stem can reach a length of 2-10 meters, climbs with tendrils-tendrils coming out from under the leaves.
  •  Have a single leaf, berseling, resigned and grooved menjari 5-7 fruit perhelai leaves.
  • The flowers are single, have sex there is on one tree. The corolla is yellow berwana.
  • On the inside of the fruit is ripe has a sturdy fiber matting and a meeting resembling NET.
  • Tergelantung fruit or lying on the ground silendris or round-shaped elongate when the old one has a brown color.
  •  It has a flattened seeds with the edges of the wing-shaped, sleek and black.
This Blustru much in manfaatka by the community. Starting from fruit that is still easy to husk the fruit. As for the leaf itself is often in guali or dibotok. However, in fact, too often the young fruit and vegetable ingredients in the majority. While the husk of the fruit is ripe, it is used as a substitute for fiber to wash the furniture in the House.

Blustru alkesa namnam

Benefits Of Blustru

Apart from young fruit and leaves and the sabutnya that is used in everyday life bisaa turns blustru also has other benefits. And it turns out that efficacy in blustru have also included many. To the extent that root to flower also has its own properties.
Blustru fruit tastes sweet, cool nature, meridian liver, stomach and kidneys. It turns out that, aside from the many benefits above the fruit of blustru nutritious as well as deciduous phlegm, pengehnti bleeding, mild laxative, memersihkan heat and toxins.
The seeds of Blustru which has a bitter taste is effective as the dissipate heat of deciduous, pissing, vomiting stimulant, stomach worms safely and others. So also with the husk that is owned by blustru tetnyata fruit has many benefits. As well as nutritious leaves to cleanse the blood and deciduous menstruation for women. While the root function to launch the blood circulation.

Chemical Content

Some of the properties and benefits of blustru above still cannot escape the content of kimi who had been attached to the blustru. Some of the chemical content of attached to blustru IE.
  • The fruit contains Saponintriterpen, luffein, citrulin, cucurbitacin and.
  •  The seeds contain fatty oil, Squalene, spinasterol, cucurbitacin B and protein.
  •  The SAP contains Saponins, mucus, fat, protein, xylan, and Vitamin B-C.
  • The flowers Contain Glutamin, aspartic acid, lysine, and arginine alanin.
  •  Husk contains Xylan, xylose, mannosan, galactan, saponins, sellulose, Galactose, manitosa, and vitamins A, B and C.
  • The leaves Contain Saponins and Tannins.

Utilization Of Blustru

Some of the content contained on the blustru starting from the root to the flowers can be take advantage of as a treatment. As the following.

Fruit Blustru to address

1. Fever, thirst
2. Congested Coughs
3. Vaginal discharge,
4. Irregular menstruation
5. Constipation
6. Bleeding, nosebleeds, bloody urine and
7. Boils

The Seeds Of Blustru To Overcome

1. The face, hands and feet swelling
2. Help urinary tract
3. Intestinal worms
4. Lumbago
5. Hemorrhoids

Leaves Blustru to address

1. Shortness Of Breath
2. Not come menstruation
3. Inflammation of the testicles
4. Burns
5. Boils, ringworm
6. Snake bites

Fruit skin is Blustru to overcome

1. Boils, abscesses area of the rectum
2. Luka
Flower Blustru to address
1. Cough accompanied by tightness, sore throat
2. Sinusitis
3. Hemorrhoids
4. Boils

Husk Blustru to address

1. Chest pain, abdominal pain and lumbago
2. Arthritic joints, sore rheumatic pain
3. Cough phlegm so
4. Not come menstruation
5. Breast swelling
6. BREAST MILK is a little
7. Hemorrhoids
8. Inflammatory fruit phallus
9. Boils

The root Blustru to address

1. Migraine
2. Lumbago, sore throat
3. Ulcers that do not want to rupture
4. Breast swelling

Stem Blustru to address

1. Sense of baal/immune
2. Irregular menstruation
3. Nose slimy
4. Swollen.

Discharging Blustru

Like other blustru medicinal plants used to cure or treatment of disease grow mild to severe. Beriktu is a treatment which can be done with blustru.

Errant Ulcers Do Not Want To Rupture

Stubborn ulcers do not want to rupture, creating a comfortable three of feelings that are so incredible. Well it turns out that blustru was able to overcome this problem. Here's how.

Here's how

  • Wash The Root Blustru Of Old Plants
  • Cut Into Pieces As Required Course
  • Boil 3 cups of water into the
  • Sisahkan to 1 glass of water
  • Compress Boils Using warm water the rest of the decoction of Yesteryear
    Hopefully not soon rid of ya.
Pregnant women and one with a weak spleen dysfunction in her drinking the decoction of herbs. If the flesh of the fruit is cooked as vegetables can keep out the heat in.
Book of traditional medicinal plants Vol. 2.

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