The Best Way to Prevent Tooth Pain

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The Best Way to Prevent Tooth Pain

Maintaining clean teeth and mouth is a habit that must be done during life. It is not only a powerful way to prevent toothache, but it is also good for your full health. If you are confused about how to start this habit, here are some things you can do:

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day

All people, both children and adults, are obliged to diligently brush their teeth. You have to brush your teeth twice a day, i.e. morning after breakfast and at night before bed. If you want to brush your teeth after breakfast, try waiting for 30 minutes. Eat it if you consume foods or drinks that contain acid. Brush your teeth immediately after consuming food or drinks that can erode tooth enamel and dentine layer. This can eventually damage your teeth.

2. Do the Right Toothbrush Technique

There are still many people who often make mistakes when brushing teeth; origin rub, rinse, then discard. As a result, the remnants of food stuck on the sidelines can not be lifted. Therefore, it is important for you to think of the right brushing technique.

First, place the brush bristles on the surface of the teeth near the edge of the gum at an angle of 45 degrees. You can start brushing your upper molars or back teeth on one side of your mouth. Brush in a circular motion from top to bottom for about 20 seconds for each section. To clean the surface of your front teeth, you must hold the toothbrush using the handle of your toothbrush head and brush in a circular motion from the edge of the gum to the top of the tooth. Perform this movement repeatedly 2-3 times. Don't brush your teeth too hard, because this will adversely affect your gums and teeth.

After making sure all the surface of the teeth have been brushed properly, then rinse your teeth until clean. Touch your teeth with your tongue. If the surface of your teeth feels smooth, it's a sign that your teeth are clean. Meanwhile, if the surface of the teeth still feels rough, it means your teeth are not clean because the plaque is still attached to your teeth. Ideally a person will spend about 2 to 3 minutes to brush all his teeth.

3. Choosing the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

There are many toothbrushes and toothpastes on the market in various brands. In general, choose toothpaste that contains Pro-Fluoride. As for the toothbrush, choose one that has downy and supple hair. Adjust the brush head to the size of your oral cavity, neither too large nor too small. No less important, make sure the handle of the brush is comfortable to hold.

4. Dental Flossing

Dental flossing is another method for cleaning teeth. Toothbrush alone is not enough to clean plaque and food scraps between your teeth. Therefore, dental flossing is needed. Compared to toothpicks, dental flossing is considered safer because it does not cause cavities getting worse. You can also do a tongue brush so that the health of your tongue is maintained.

5. Routinely Check the teeth to the doctor

In addition to the various ways above, routine dental check-ups to the doctor also become mandatory things you must do to prevent toothaches. Check your teeth to the dentist at least once every 6 months. However, if you have certain medical problems and are at risk of developing dental and oral disease, you might be advised to check your teeth more often.

Remember, the earlier the disease is detected, the treatment will be simpler, the cost is cheaper, and the risk of complications will also be smaller. So, do not wait until you experience complaints first before checking your teeth to the doctor.

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