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Test Review: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) Manual (Part II): Toddler Module

Test Description


The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2; Lord, Luyster, Gotham, & Guthrie, 2012; Lord, Rutter et al., 2012) is a newly updated, semistructured, standardized mea-sure of communication, social interaction, play/imagination, and restricted and/or repetitive behav-iors  published  by  Western  Psychological  Services.  Used  in  clinical  and  research  settings,  the  ADOS-2 is often referred to as the “gold standard” measure of observational assessment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD; Kanne, Randolph, & Farmer, 2008). It is a Level C measure that can be administered and interpreted by appropriately credentialed professionals from medicine, psychol-ogy, or a related discipline in approximately 40 to 60 min, depending on the module selected and the specific behavior demonstrated by the examinee. Extensive prior experience with individuals with ASD is strongly recommended, and administrators must have completed clinical training pro-vided by an independent trainer or through the test publisher.

The ADOS-2 kit is a large container consisting of most of the required toy items and materials (some materials must be supplied and replenished by the examiner), and 10 protocols for each of the  5  modules.  The  manual  is  expansive  and  well  laid  out,  beginning  with  an  overview  of  the  measure, guidelines for module selection, administration and coding procedures, instructions for each module, and case examples to assist with interpretation.

Measure Development

The ADOS-2 was designed to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the diagnostic algorithms of the original ADOS (Lord, Rutter, DiLavoire, & Risi, 1999). Specific changes include revision and expansion of the diagnostic algorithms used in Modules 1 to 3 and the addition of a Toddler Module. A new comparison score in Modules 1 through 3 was added to allow for comparability over time. Minor modifications to the administration instructions for some tasks were also made; however,  experienced  ADOS  administrators  will  notice  that  the  majority  of  the  administrative  procedures remain identical to the previous version of the measure. The protocols have also been updated to include an enhanced description of administration and the behavior(s) being observed.

Administration and Scoring

General Description and Administration

The  ADOS-2  is  designed  to  be  individually  administered  by  one  examiner.  It  consists  of  five  modules, the selection of which is based primarily on the examinee’s expressive language level as determined by formal language assessment and/or observation by the examiner, and second-arily on their chronological age and/or relevance of tasks to the examinee’s interests and abilities. Each module consists of specified tasks designed to elicit communicative, social, and behavioral characteristics consistent with ASD. The format of the ADOS-2 differs from the majority of other standardized assessment measures in that the assessment is dynamic and examiners should not constantly refer to the manual during administration so that social interaction with the examinee is natural and maintained.

The specific activities and subsequent behavioral coding within each module differ; however, there is some overlap and the general administration and scoring principles remain consistent. Administration necessitates delivery of specific tasks in a semistructured manner whereby exam-iners deliberately modify their behavior according to a hierarchy of structured and unstructured social presses and observe the examinee’s behaviors in response. Administration of tasks is flex-ible and does not have to follow a set sequence. Behavioral and language observations should be noted throughout the administration, particularly regarding social and communicative behaviors related  to  ASD  diagnostic  criteria.  The  tasks  are  standardized  in  that  examiners  are  provided  instructions  regarding  task  administration  and  the  hierarchy  of  behaviors  to  be  employed.  The  tasks are designed to provide structure to the interactions between the examiner and examinee and  should  not  be  robotically  administered  without  regard  for  the  nature  of  the  interactions.  Coding should occur directly following the administration using the behavioral notes taken by the examiner. A parent/caregiver who is familiar with the child must be present in the room dur-ing administration of the Toddler Module, Module 1, and Module 2.

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